One the earliest places on the face to show dramatic signs of aging is the neck. As time passes, the skin tends to naturally lose elasticity, which leads to sagging. Lines and wrinkles will develop, and skin can also droop under the chin and neck. The drooping skin is often called a “turkey gobbler,” which can make it appear as if you have a double chin, in spite of being in good health. A
neck lift is an effective procedure for tightening the skin and reducing signs of aging.
Sometimes a neck lift is part of an overall face lift, or it may be performed on its own. Each procedure is customized to meet the needs of each patient, so it is important to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon like
Dr. Michael Sundine. The neck lift typically involves removing excess skin but can also include liposuction to reduce excess fat from beneath the jaw. The procedure is performed while the patient is under general anesthesia.
Contact us at our office in [fourthly_city] if you have further questions.